Habit@ Unmasked

“Habit@ Unmasked” is a visionary exploration into the digital age’s profound impact on human identity, behavior, and society. Authored by Seth Rowanwood, this work navigates the murky waters of digital-age habits—termed “Habit@”—that amplify cognitive biases, erode authentic connections, and foster a loneliness crisis. With a focus on both the toxic individualism these habits engender and their societal repercussions, Rowanwood delves into the concepts of internal and external identity pollution. Through a multidimensional lens, the book offers a blueprint for combating these effects by fostering positive habits, mindful digital engagement, and genuine interpersonal connections.

Central to its thesis is the juxtaposition of toxic behaviors with the transformative potential of healthy transformations, guided by incremental change and a philosophy of resilience. Rowanwood leverages AI technology as a beacon of hope, proposing tech-powered cognitive recalibration and mindful media consumption among other solutions to counter Habit@’s pervasive influence. Alongside this, a 10-step action plan underscores the importance of empathy, ethical AI, and community healing in crafting a balanced relationship between technology and humanity.

As a compendium of insights and practical strategies, “Habit@ Unmasked” is more than just a critique of the digital age; it’s a call to action for individuals and societies to reclaim their identities and forge a future that harmonizes technological advancement with human flourishing.


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